If ArrayType is an array, returns the type of an array element or the type of the array. If ArrayType is not an array, returns never.
Use this type instead of {} if you need to define an object which must not have any properties, eg. steps which have no parameters.
Returns the keys of all properties of T whose values extend U.
Returns the keys of all properties of T whose values' ReturnTypes extend U.
This object's keys are the ids of the validated Stories (eg."2.4.5") and its values are either a single id (eg. 3) or an ids array (eg. [3, 4, 5]) of acceptance criteria defined within the associated Story.
Returns the keys of all properties of T whose values are not never.
Omits all properties from T whose key names are in K.
Makes all properties of Type optional, except for those whose keys are passed as K.
Type is the original object.
K represents the original object's property keys to be picked from the original object unaltered.
KPartial represents the original object's property keys to be picked from the original object and turned into optional properties.
Severity describes how severe the implications of something not working correctly would be.
The result status of a validation/an acceptance criteria of a Story.
Steps in wdio-workflo need to be defined in this format - on object where the keys are the step descriptions and the values are step creation functions that take the step parameters as and argument and return a created Step.
Reserved for future use when typescript bugs https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/24560 and https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/24791are are resolved.
Reserved for future use when typescript bugs https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/24560 and https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/24791are are resolved.
The result status of a testcase.
If ArrayType is an array, returns the type of an array element. If ArrayType is not an array, returns ArrayType.
If ArrayType is an array, returns the type of an array element or the type of the array. If ArrayType is not an array, returns ArrayType.
The type of a webdriverio element returned by browser.element
or browser.$
The type of webdriverio elements returned by browser.elements
or browser.$$
Returns all properties of T whose values are not never.
XPath can be supplied to wdio-workflo either via an XPathBuilder or as a raw XPath string
Generated using TypeDoc
If ArrayType is an array, returns the type of an array element. If ArrayType is not an array, returns never.