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Interface IScrollParams

This interface is used in the parameters of scrollTo and click actions of PageElement. It allows you to scroll a PageElement that resides inside a scrollable container into view.


  • IScrollParams



Optional closestContainerIncludesHidden

closestContainerIncludesHidden: boolean

If no containerSelector is set explicitly, and therefore the scroll container is determined automatically, setting this property to true will also detect scroll containers whose overflow property is set to "hidden". Otherwise, scroll containers with an overflow property set to "hidden" will be ignored.

Optional containerSelector

containerSelector: string

The XPath selector of the scroll container. If undefined, the closest scrollable parent container is determined automatically.


directions: object

The directions for which scrolling should be performed. Set values to true to enable scrolling into the given direction.

Type declaration

  • Optional x?: boolean
  • Optional y?: boolean

Optional offsets

offsets: object

Offsets that will be added to the final scroll position of the scrolled container.

Type declaration

  • Optional x?: number
  • Optional y?: number

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