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Module PageNode


Type aliases


ExtractBoolean: object

Extracts the return value types of the getIsEnabled functions of all PageNodes defined within a PageElementGroup's content. For a PageElement, the extracted return value type will be boolean.

Type declaration


ExtractBooleanStateChecker: object

Extracts the return value types of the getIsEnabled functions of all PageNodes defined within a PageElementGroup's content for state check functions. For a PageElement, the extracted return value type will be boolean. Compared to ExtractBoolean, this will allow the a PageElementList to pass either a single boolean or an array of booleans.

Type declaration


ExtractExistsFilterMask: object

Extracts the return value types of the currently.getExists functions of all PageNodes defined within a PageElementGroup's content for filter masks. This will allow the a PageElementList to pass either a single boolean or an array of booleans.

Type declaration


ExtractText: object

Extracts the return value types of the getText functions of all PageNodes defined within a PageElementGroup's content. For a PageElement, the extracted return value type will be string.

Type declaration


ExtractTextStateChecker: object

Extracts the return value types of the getText functions of all PageNodes defined within a PageElementGroup's content for state check functions. For a PageElement, the extracted return value type will be string. Compared to ExtractText, this will allow a PageElementList to pass either a single string or an array of strings.

Type declaration


ExtractValue: object

Extracts the return value types of the getValue functions of all PageNodes defined within a ValuePageElementGroup's content.

Type declaration


ExtractValueBoolean: object

Extracts the return value types of the getHasValue functions of all PageNodes defined within a ValuePageElementGroup's content. For a ValuePageElement, the extracted return value type will be boolean.

Type declaration


ExtractValueBooleanStateChecker: object

Extracts the return value types of the getHasValue functions of all PageNodes defined within a ValuePageElementGroup's content for state check functions. For a ValuePageElement, the extracted return value type will be boolean. Compared to ExtractValueBoolean, this will allow a ValuePageElementList to pass either a single boolean or an array of booleans.

Type declaration


ExtractValueBooleanWN: object

Type declaration


ExtractValueStateChecker: object

Extracts the return value types of the getValue functions of all PageNodes defined within a ValuePageElementGroup's content for state check functions and the setValue function. Compared to ExtractValue, this will allow ta PageElementList to pass either a single value or an array of values.

Type declaration


GroupContent: object

The content of a PageElementGroup must be an object whose keys are arbitrary names of the PageNodes defined within the content and whose values or the PageNodes themselves.

Type declaration


GroupFilterMask: ExtractBooleanStateChecker<Content>

A filter mask can be passed as a parameter to PageElementGroup functions that invoke a 'child' function on each of the PageNodes defined inside the group's content.

The filter mask can be used to skip the invocation of some or all of these 'child' functions:

  • Omitting a property in GroupFilterMask or setting the value of a property in GroupFilterMask to null or undefined causes the 'child' function invocation of the corresponding PageNode (which has the same key name as the filter mask entry) to be skipped.
  • Setting the value of a filter mask entry which maps to a PageElement (by having the same key name as the filter mask entry) to false causes the 'child' function invocation of this PageElement to be skipped.

Using a filter mask has the following implications for the return value of a PageElementGroup function:

  • A state check function (hasXXX, hasAnyXXX, containsXXX in currently and eventually) whose filter mask skips all 'child' functions always returns true.
  • A state retrieval function (getXXX) whose filter mask skips all 'child' functions returns an empty object.
  • For a state retrieval function's 'child' function whose invocation is skipped by the filter mask, no property will be created in the state retrieval function's result object. Therefore, the property whose key name matches the key name of the skipped filter mask entry will be missing from the state retrieval function's result object.


GroupFilterMaskExists: ExtractExistsFilterMask<Content>

Type of the filter mask used by exist functions of PageElementGroup.


ListFilterMask: boolean | boolean[]

A filter mask can be passed as a parameter to PageElementList functions that invoke a 'child' function on each of the PageElements managed by the list.

The filter mask can be used to skip the invocation of some or all of these 'child' functions:

  • Setting the value of ListFilterMask to false causes all 'child' function invocations to be skipped.
  • Setting the value of ListFilterMask to an array and the value of an array element to false, null or undefined causes the 'child' function invocation of the PageElement whose index in PageElementList's all array corresponds to the index of the element in the ListFilterMask array to be skipped.

Using a filter mask has the following implications for the return value of a PageElementList function:

  • A state check function (hasXXX, hasAnyXXX, containsXXX in currently and eventually) whose filter mask skips all 'child' functions always returns true.
  • A state retrieval function (getXXX) whose filter mask skips all 'child' functions returns an empty array.
  • The return value of a state retrieval function's 'child' function whose invocation is skipped by the filter mask will not be written to the results array of the state retrieval function. The length of the results array can therefore differ from the number of PageElements managed by PageElementList.


MapFilterMask: Partial<Record<K, boolean>>

A filter mask can be passed as a parameter to PageElementMap functions that invoke a 'child' function on each of the PageElements managed by the map.

The filter mask can be used to skip the invocation of some or all of these 'child' functions:

  • Omitting a property in MapFilterMask or setting the value of a property in MapFilterMask to false, null or undefined causes the 'child' function invocation of the corresponding PageElement (which has the same key name as the filter mask entry) to be skipped.

Using a filter mask has the following implications for the return value of a PageElementMap function:

  • A state check function (hasXXX, hasAnyXXX, containsXXX in currently and eventually) whose filter mask skips all 'child' functions always returns true.
  • A state retrieval function (getXXX) whose filter mask skips all 'child' functions returns an empty object.
  • For a state retrieval function's 'child' function whose invocation is skipped by the filter mask, no property will be created in the state retrieval function's result object. Therefore, the property whose key name matches the key name of the skipped filter mask entry will be missing from the state retrieval function's result object.


ValueGroupFilterMask: ExtractValueBooleanStateChecker<Content>

Type of the filter mask used by functions of ValuePageElementGroup.


ValueGroupFilterMaskWN: WithoutNever<Partial<ExtractValueBooleanWN<Content>>>

Reserved for future use when typescript bugs https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/24560 and https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/24791 are are resolved.

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