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Interface IElementNode<TextType, BooleanType, FilterType>

This interface is implemented by PageElement, PageElementList, PageElementMap and PageElementGroup.

IElementNode guarantees support of the following state retrieval functions:

  • getIsEnabled
  • getText
  • getDirectText
  • getHasText
  • getHasAnyText
  • getContainsText
  • getHasDirectText
  • getHasAnyDirectText
  • getContainsDirectText

IElementNode guarantees support of the following state check functions:

  • exists
  • isVisible
  • isEnabled
  • hasText
  • hasAnyText
  • containsText
  • hasDirectText
  • hasAnyDirectText
  • containsDirectText

TextType type of IElementNode's state retrieval functions (getText...)


BooleanType type of IElementNode's state compare functions (getHasText...)


FilterType type of IElementNode's filter mask

Type parameters

  • TextType

  • BooleanType

  • FilterType


Implemented by




__lastDiff: IDiff

Retrieves the last differences of a PageNode's check state functions.

Intended for framework-internal usage only.


__setLastDiff: function

Sets the last differences of a PageNode's check state functions.

Intended for framework-internal usage only.

Type declaration

    • Parameters

      Returns void


currently: IGetElement<TextType, BooleanType, FilterType> & ICheckCurrently<TextType, BooleanType, FilterType>

defines an api for all functions of PageNode which check if a condition is currently true or which retrieve a current value from the tested application's state


eventually: ICheckEventually<TextType, BooleanType, FilterType>

defines an api for all functions of PageNode which check if a condition eventually becomes true within a specified timeout


wait: ICheckWait<TextType, BooleanType, FilterType>

defines an api for all functions of PageNode which wait for a condition to become true within a specified timeout



  • __getNodeId(): string
  • Retrieves the id used to identify a PageNode in the instance cache of PageNodeStore.

    Intended for framework-internal usage only.

    Returns string


  • getContainsDirectText(text: TextType): BooleanType
  • Returns the 'containsDirectText' status of a PageElement or of the PageElements managed by a PageElementList, PageElementMap or PageElementGroup.

    A PageElement's 'containsDirectText' status is set to true if its actual direct text equals the expected direct text.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


    • text: TextType

      the expected direct text used in the comparison which sets the 'containsDirectText' status

    Returns BooleanType


  • getContainsText(text: TextType): BooleanType
  • Returns the 'containsText' status of a PageElement or of the PageElements managed by a PageElementList, PageElementMap or PageElementGroup.

    A PageElement's 'containsText' status is set to true if its actual text contains the expected text.


    • text: TextType

      the expected text used in the comparison which sets the 'containsText' status

    Returns BooleanType


  • getDirectText(filterMask?: FilterType): TextType
  • Returns the direct text of a PageElement or of the PageElements managed by a PageElementList, PageElementMap or PageElementGroup.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


    • Optional filterMask: FilterType

      can be used to skip the invocation of the state retrieval function for some or all managed PageElements and not include the skipped results in the total result

    Returns TextType


  • getHasAnyDirectText(filterMask?: FilterType): BooleanType
  • Returns the 'hasAnyDirectText' status of a PageElement or of the PageElements managed by a PageElementList, PageElementMap or PageElementGroup.

    A PageElement's 'hasAnyDirectText' status is set to true if it has any actual text.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


    • Optional filterMask: FilterType

      can be used to skip the invocation of the state retrieval function for some or all managed PageElements and not include the skipped results in the total result

    Returns BooleanType


  • getHasAnyText(filterMask?: FilterType): BooleanType
  • Returns the 'hasAnyText' status of a PageElement or of the PageElements managed by a PageElementList, PageElementMap or PageElementGroup.

    A PageElement's 'hasAnyText' status is set to true if it has any actual text.


    • Optional filterMask: FilterType

      can be used to skip the invocation of the state retrieval function for some or all managed PageElements and not include the skipped results in the total result

    Returns BooleanType


  • getHasDirectText(text: TextType): BooleanType
  • Returns the 'hasDirectText' status of a PageElement or of the PageElements managed by a PageElementList, PageElementMap or PageElementGroup.

    A PageElement's 'hasDirectText' status is set to true if its actual direct text equals the expected direct text.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


    • text: TextType

      the expected direct text used in the comparison which sets the 'hasDirectText' status

    Returns BooleanType


  • getHasText(text: TextType): BooleanType
  • Returns the 'hasText' status of a PageElement or of the PageElements managed by a PageElementList, PageElementMap or PageElementGroup.

    A PageElement's 'hasText' status is set to true if its actual text equals the expected text.


    • text: TextType

      the expected text used in the comparison which sets the 'hasText' status

    Returns BooleanType


  • getIsEnabled(filterMask?: FilterType): BooleanType
  • Returns the 'enabled' status of a PageElement or of the PageElements managed by a PageElementList, PageElementMap or PageElementGroup.


    • Optional filterMask: FilterType

      can be used to skip the invocation of the state retrieval function for some or all managed PageElements and not include the skipped results in the total result

    Returns BooleanType


  • getText(filterMask?: FilterType): TextType
  • Returns the text of a PageElement or of the PageElements managed by a PageElementList, PageElementMap or PageElementGroup.


    • Optional filterMask: FilterType

      can be used to skip the invocation of the state retrieval function for some or all managed PageElements and not include the skipped results in the total result

    Returns TextType


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