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Interface IStep

Steps consist of a description and an execution function. The execution function performs changes to the state of the tested application and the description briefly summarizes these changes in natural language.

A step can be parameterized by passing step arguments and a step callback (both of which are optional) to the execution function:

Step arguments are key-value pair objects that provide dynamic values to the state changes of the execution f unction. They also enable the interpolation of a step's description by replacing %{key} in the description string with key's value retrieved from the step arguments object).

Step callbacks can be used to query and validate the state of the tested application right after step execution. A step callback will be passed the return value of the execution function as its first parameter.


  • IStep

Implemented by





__description: string


execute: function

Type declaration

    • (prefix?: string): void
    • Parameters

      • Optional prefix: string

      Returns void

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