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Interface IManualCriteria

This interfaces describes the results of manually executed testcases for one Story in the form of an object.

The object's keys are the ids of acceptance criteria of the validated Story and its values are an object that contains:

  • the result of the validation as a boolean (true if it passed, false if it failed)
  • the date at which the validation was performed
  • an optional comment to add supplementary notes (eg. "fails in Internet Explorer only")


  • IManualCriteria


[key: number]: object

This interfaces describes the results of manually executed testcases for one Story in the form of an object.

The object's keys are the ids of acceptance criteria of the validated Story and its values are an object that contains:

  • the result of the validation as a boolean (true if it passed, false if it failed)
  • the date at which the validation was performed
  • an optional comment to add supplementary notes (eg. "fails in Internet Explorer only")
  • Optional comment?: string
  • date: string
  • result: boolean

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