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Class PageElementMapCurrently<Store, K, PageElementType, PageElementOpts, MapType>

This class defines all currently functions of PageElementMap.


Store type of the PageNodeStore instance which can be used to retrieve/create PageNodes


K the key names of PageElementMap's $ accessor used to access the map's managed PageElements


PageElementType type of the PageElements managed by PageElementMap


PageElementOpts type of the opts parameter passed to the constructor function of the PageElements managed by PageElementMap


MapType type of the PageElementMap for which PageElementMapCurrently defines all currently functions

Type parameters






Protected _node

_node: MapType

the PageNode for which PageNodeCurrently defines all currently functions



  • get not(): object
  • returns the negated variants of PageElementMapCurrently's state check functions

    Returns object

    • containsDirectText: function
      • containsDirectText(directText: Partial<Record<K, string>>): boolean
      • Returns true if the actual direct texts of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap currently do not contain the expected direct texts.

        A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


        • directText: Partial<Record<K, string>>

        Returns boolean

    • containsText: function
      • containsText(text: Partial<Record<K, string>>): boolean
    • exists: function
    • hasAnyDirectText: function
      • Returns true if all PageElements managed by PageElementMap currently do not have any direct text.

        A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


        • Optional filterMask: MapFilterMask<K>

          can be used to skip the invocation of the hasAnyDirectText function for some or all managed PageElements

        Returns boolean

    • hasAnyText: function
    • hasDirectText: function
      • hasDirectText(directText: Partial<Record<K, string>>): boolean
      • Returns true if the actual direct texts of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap currently do not equal the expected direct texts.

        A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


        • directText: Partial<Record<K, string>>

        Returns boolean

    • hasText: function
      • hasText(text: Partial<Record<K, string>>): boolean
    • isEnabled: function
    • isVisible: function



  • containsDirectText(directTexts: Partial<Record<K, string>>): boolean
  • Returns true if the actual direct texts of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap currently contain the expected direct texts.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


    • directTexts: Partial<Record<K, string>>

      the expected direct texts supposed to be contained in the actual direct texts

    Returns boolean


  • containsText(texts: Partial<Record<K, string>>): boolean
  • Returns true if the actual texts of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap currently contain the expected texts.


    • texts: Partial<Record<K, string>>

      the expected texts supposed to be contained in the actual texts

    Returns boolean



  • getContainsDirectText(directTexts: Partial<Record<K, string>>): object
  • Returns the current 'containsDirectText' status of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap as a result map.

    A PageElement's 'containsDirectText' status is set to true if its actual direct text contains the expected direct text.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


    • directTexts: Partial<Record<K, string>>

      the expected direct texts used in the comparisons which set the 'containsDirectText' status

    Returns object


  • getContainsText(texts: Partial<Record<K, string>>): object
  • Returns the current 'containsText' status of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap as a result map.

    A PageElement's 'containsText' status is set to true if its actual text contains the expected text.


    • texts: Partial<Record<K, string>>

      the expected texts used in the comparisons which set the 'containsText' status

    Returns object


  • Returns the current direct texts of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap as a result map.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


    • Optional filterMask: MapFilterMask<K>

      can be used to skip the invocation of the getDirectText function for some or all managed PageElements. The results of skipped function invocations are not included in the total results object.

    Returns object


  • getExists(filterMask?: MapFilterMask<K>): Partial<Record<K, boolean>>
  • Returns the current 'exists' status of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap as a result map.


    • Optional filterMask: MapFilterMask<K>

      can be used to skip the invocation of the getExists function for some or all managed PageElements. The results of skipped function invocations are not included in the total results object.

    Returns Partial<Record<K, boolean>>


  • Returns the current 'hasAnyDirectText' status of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap as a result map.

    A PageElement's 'hasAnyDirectText' status is set to true if the PageElement has any direct text.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


    • Optional filterMask: MapFilterMask<K>

      can be used to skip the invocation of the getHasAnyDirectText function for some or all managed PageElements. The results of skipped function invocations are not included in the total results object.

    Returns object


  • Returns the current 'hasAnyText' status of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap as a result map.

    A PageElement's 'hasAnyText' status is set to true if the PageElement has any text.


    • Optional filterMask: MapFilterMask<K>

      can be used to skip the invocation of the getHasAnyText function for some or all managed PageElements. The results of skipped function invocations are not included in the total results object.

    Returns object


  • getHasDirectText(directTexts: Partial<Record<K, string>>): object
  • Returns the current 'hasDirectText' status of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap as a result map.

    A PageElement's 'hasDirectText' status is set to true if its actual direct text equals the expected direct text.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


    • directTexts: Partial<Record<K, string>>

      the expected direct texts used in the comparisons which set the 'hasDirectText' status

    Returns object


  • getHasText(texts: Partial<Record<K, string>>): object
  • Returns the current 'hasText' status of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap as a result map.

    A PageElement's 'hasText' status is set to true if its actual text equals the expected text.


    • texts: Partial<Record<K, string>>

      the expected texts used in the comparisons which set the 'hasText' status

    Returns object


  • getIsEnabled(filterMask?: MapFilterMask<K>): Partial<Record<K, boolean>>
  • Returns the current 'enabled' status of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap as a result map.


    • Optional filterMask: MapFilterMask<K>

      can be used to skip the invocation of the getIsEnabled function for some or all managed PageElements. The results of skipped function invocations are not included in the total results object.

    Returns Partial<Record<K, boolean>>


  • getIsVisible(filterMask?: MapFilterMask<K>): Partial<Record<K, boolean>>
  • Returns the current 'visible' status of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap as a result map.


    • Optional filterMask: MapFilterMask<K>

      can be used to skip the invocation of the getIsVisible function for some or all managed PageElements. The results of skipped function invocations are not included in the total results object.

    Returns Partial<Record<K, boolean>>


  • Returns the current texts of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap as a result map.


    • Optional filterMask: MapFilterMask<K>

      can be used to skip the invocation of the getText function for some or all managed PageElements. The results of skipped function invocations are not included in the total results object.

    Returns object


  • Returns true if all PageElements managed by PageElementMap currently have any direct text.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


    • Optional filterMask: MapFilterMask<K>

      can be used to skip the invocation of the hasAnyDirectText function for some or all managed PageElements

    Returns boolean



  • hasDirectText(directTexts: Partial<Record<K, string>>): boolean
  • Returns true if the actual direct texts of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap currently equal the expected direct texts.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


    • directTexts: Partial<Record<K, string>>

      the expected direct texts supposed to equal the actual direct texts

    Returns boolean


  • hasText(texts: Partial<Record<K, string>>): boolean
  • Returns true if the actual texts of all PageElements managed by PageElementMap currently equal the expected texts.


    • texts: Partial<Record<K, string>>

      the expected texts supposed to equal the actual texts

    Returns boolean



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