  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Interface ICallbackConfig

Type definitions of the config parameter passed to the callback functions of IWorkfloConfig.




Optional agent

agent: Object

http(s).Agent instance to use


new http(s).Agent({ keepAlive: true })

Optional allure

allure: object

Options for allure report.

Type declaration

  • Optional bugAppendix?: string

    Will be appended to bug keys displayed in allure report. This can be useful as allure report provides no way to distinct issues and bugs by default.

  • Optional bugPrefix?: string

    Will be prepended to bug keys displayed in allure report. This can be useful as allure report provides no way to distinct issues and bugs by default.

  • Optional issueAppendix?: string

    Will be appended to issue keys displayed in allure report. This can be useful as allure report provides no way to distinct issues and bugs by default.

  • Optional issuePrefix?: string

    Will be prepended to issue keys displayed in allure report. This can be useful as allure report provides no way to distinct issues and bugs by default.

  • Optional issueTrackerPattern?: string

    Pattern used to create urls for issues and bugs.

    '%s' in pattern will be replaced with issue/bug keys defined in Story options.



  • Optional testManagementPattern?: string

    Pattern used to create urls for testcase management system.

    '%s' in pattern will be replaced with testId keys defined in Story options.



Optional bail

bail: number

Optional baseUrl

baseUrl: string


browser: string

Name of the browser used to run the current tests.

Optional browserstackLocal

browserstackLocal: boolean

Optional capabilities

capabilities: DesiredCapabilities[]

Optional coloredLogs

coloredLogs: boolean

Optional connectionRetryCount

connectionRetryCount: number

Optional connectionRetryTimeout

connectionRetryTimeout: number

Optional consoleLogLevel

consoleLogLevel: "results" | "testcases" | "steps"

Log level output in spec reporter console.




consoleReportPath: string

Path where the spec reporter console report of the current test run is stored.


criteriaAnalysis: IAnalysedCriteria

Information about spec criteria of current test run. Used internally by wdio-workflo.

Optional cucumberOpts

cucumberOpts: object

Type declaration

  • [name: string]: any


dateTime: string

Date and time when the current test run was launched.

Optional debug

debug: number

Optional deprecationWarnings

deprecationWarnings: boolean

Optional desiredCapabilities

desiredCapabilities: DesiredCapabilities

Optional dockerLogs

dockerLogs: string

Optional dockerOptions

dockerOptions: object

Type declaration

  • [name: string]: any

Optional exclude

exclude: string[]

Optional execArgv

execArgv: string[] | null


executionFilters: IExecutionFilters

Filters used by wdio-workflo to determine which tests and specs to execute. Filters include specFiles, testcaseFiles, features, specs, testcases, suites, manualResultFiles and manualSpecs.

Optional framework

framework: string

Optional headers

headers: Object

A key-value store of headers to be added to every selenium request. Values must be strings.



Optional host

host: string

Optional isWDIO

isWDIO: boolean

Optional jasmineNodeOpts

jasmineNodeOpts: object

Type declaration

  • [name: string]: any

Optional key

key: string


latestRunPath: string

Path to the file that contains the name of the folder which stores the results of the latest test run.

Optional logLevel

logLevel: string

Optional maxInstances

maxInstances: number

Optional maxInstancesPerCapability

maxInstancesPerCapability: number

Optional maxSession

maxSession: number


mergedAllureResultsPath: string

Path where the merged results of all previous test runs and the current test run are stored for allure.


mergedResultsPath: string

Path to the json file that stores the merged results of all previous test runs and the current test run.

Optional mochaOpts

mochaOpts: object

Type declaration

  • [name: string]: any

Optional onDockerReady

onDockerReady: function

Type declaration

    • (...args: any[]): void
    • Parameters

      • Rest ...args: any[]

      Returns void


parseResults: IParseResults

Parsing results of testcases and spec files used internally by wdio-workflo to link specs and testcases.

Optional path

path: string

Optional plugins

plugins: object

Type declaration

  • [name: string]: any

Optional port

port: number


printObject: IPrintObject

Data used by wdio-workflo to output the results and statistics of a test run.

Optional protocol

protocol: string

Optional proxy

proxy: String

An HTTP proxy to be used. Supports proxy Auth with Basic Auth, identical to support for the url parameter (by embedding the auth info in the uri)


undefined (no proxy used)

Optional queryParams

queryParams: Object

A key-value store of query parameters to be added to every selenium request.



Optional reportErrorsInstantly

reportErrorsInstantly: boolean

If set to true, will output errors and validation failures immediately. Will be enabled by default if consoleLogLevel is set to 'steps'.



Optional reporterOptions

reporterOptions: object

Type declaration

  • [reporterName: string]: any
  • Optional outputDir?: string

Optional reporters

reporters: string[] | function


resultsPath: string

Path where results for the currently active browser are stored.

Optional retries

retries: number

Defines how many times a testcase should be rerun if it did not pass. The current testcase will be aborted on the first error or failed expectation and rerun times.



Optional sauceConnect

sauceConnect: boolean

Optional sauceConnectOpts

sauceConnectOpts: object

Type declaration

  • [name: string]: any

Optional screenshotPath

screenshotPath: string

Optional seleniumInstallArgs

seleniumInstallArgs: InstallOpts

Arguments for install command of selenium-standalone service.



Optional seleniumLogs

seleniumLogs: string

Optional seleniumStartArgs

seleniumStartArgs: StartOpts

Arguments for start command of selenium-standalone service.



Optional services

services: string[] | function

Optional specs

specs: string[]

Defines which spec files should run. The pattern is relative to the directory from which wdio-workflo was called.

Corresponds to the "specFiles" config option in the workflo config file.

Optional suites

suites: object

Type declaration

  • [name: string]: string[]

Optional sync

sync: boolean


testDir: string

Root directory for all system test artifacts of wdio-workflo.

If you set this value to something other than ${__dirname} + '/system_test, you need to make sure that the include array in workflo's tsconfig file tsconfig.workflo.json contains your testDir folder.


testInfoFilePath: string

Path where the testinfo.json file resides.

Optional testcases

testcases: string[]

Defines which testcase files should run. The pattern is relative to the directory from which wdio-workflo was called.

Corresponds to the "testcaseFiles" config option in the workflo config file.


traceInfo: ITraceInfo

Information used to trace which testcases validate which specs and which specs are validated in which testcases. Used internally by wdio-workflo.

Optional uidStorePath

uidStorePath: string

Path to the uidStore.json file which is used to generate unique ids during test execution.

The generated ids will be preserved for future test runs until the uidStore.json file is deleted.

Optional user

user: string

Optional waitforInterval

waitforInterval: number

Optional waitforTimeout

waitforTimeout: number

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