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Class PageElementCurrently<Store, PageElementType>

This class defines all currently functions of PageElement.


Store type of the PageNodeStore instance which can be used to retrieve/create PageNodes


PageElementType type of the PageElement for which PageElementCurrently defines all currently functions

Type parameters






Protected _node

_node: PageElementType

the PageNode for which PageNodeCurrently defines all currently functions



  • get element(): Client<RawResult<Element>> & RawResult<Element>


  • get not(): object
  • returns the negated variants of PageElementCurrently's state check functions

    Returns object

    • containsAttribute: function
      • containsAttribute(attribute: IAttribute): boolean
      • Returns true if the specified HTML attribute of PageElement currently does not contain the expected value.


        • attribute: IAttribute

          the specified HTML attribute of PageElement, consisting of the attribute's name and the value it is expected not to contain

        Returns boolean

    • containsClass: function
      • containsClass(className: string): boolean
      • Returns true if the HTML attribute 'class' of PageElement currently does not contain the specified className.


        • className: string

          the className which the HTML attribute 'class' of PageElement is supposed not to contain

        Returns boolean

    • containsDirectText: function
      • containsDirectText(directText: string): boolean
      • Returns true if the PageElement's actual direct text currently does not contain the expected direct text.

        A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


        • directText: string

          the expected direct text which is supposed not to be contained in the actual direct text

        Returns boolean

    • containsHTML: function
      • containsHTML(html: string): boolean
    • containsId: function
      • containsId(id: string): boolean
      • Returns true if the HTML attribute 'id' of PageElement currently does not contain the specified value.


        • id: string

          the value which the HTML attribute 'id' of PageElement is supposed not to contain

        Returns boolean

    • containsName: function
      • containsName(name: string): boolean
      • Returns true if the HTML attribute 'name' of PageElement currently does not contain the specified value.


        • name: string

          the value which the HTML attribute 'name' of PageElement is supposed not to contain

        Returns boolean

    • containsText: function
      • containsText(text: string): boolean
      • Returns true if the PageElement's actual text currently does not contain the expected text.


        • text: string

          the expected text which is supposed not to be contained in the actual text

        Returns boolean

    • exists: function
      • exists(): boolean
    • hasAnyAttribute: function
      • hasAnyAttribute(attributeName: string): boolean
      • Returns true if the HTML attribute with the specified attributeName of PageElement currently does not have any value.


        • attributeName: string

          the name of a PageElement's HTML attribute which is supposed not to have any value

        Returns boolean

    • hasAnyClass: function
      • hasAnyClass(): boolean
    • hasAnyDirectText: function
      • hasAnyDirectText(): boolean
      • Returns true if the PageElement currently does not have any direct text.

        A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.

        Returns boolean

    • hasAnyHTML: function
      • hasAnyHTML(): boolean
    • hasAnyId: function
      • hasAnyId(): boolean
    • hasAnyName: function
      • hasAnyName(): boolean
    • hasAnyText: function
      • hasAnyText(): boolean
    • hasAttribute: function
      • Returns true if the specified HTML attribute of PageElement currently does not have the expected value.


        • attribute: IAttribute

          the specified HTML attribute of PageElement, consisting of the attribute's name and the value it is expected not to have

        Returns boolean

    • hasClass: function
      • hasClass(className: string): boolean
      • Returns true if the HTML attribute 'class' of PageElement currently does not have the specified className.


        • className: string

          the className which the HTML attribute 'class' of PageElement is supposed not to have

        Returns boolean

    • hasDirectText: function
      • hasDirectText(directText: string): boolean
      • Returns true if the PageElement's actual direct text currently does not equal the expected direct text.

        A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


        • directText: string

          the expected direct text which is supposed not to equal the actual direct text

        Returns boolean

    • hasHTML: function
      • hasHTML(html: string): boolean
      • Returns true if the PageElement's actual HTML currently does not equal the expected HTML.


        • html: string

          the expected HTML which is supposed not to equal the actual HTML

        Returns boolean

    • hasHeight: function
      • hasHeight(height: number, tolerance?: number): boolean
      • Returns true if - currently - the height of PageElement does not match the specified height or if PageElement's height deviates more than the specified tolerance from the specified height.


        • height: number

          the expected height of PageElement

        • Optional tolerance: number

          used to calculate the maximal allowed deviation from the expected height

        Returns boolean

    • hasId: function
      • hasId(id: string): boolean
      • Returns true if the HTML attribute 'id' of PageElement currently does not have the specified value.


        • id: string

          the value which the HTML attribute 'id' of PageElement is supposed not to have

        Returns boolean

    • hasLocation: function
      • Returns true if - currently - the location of PageElement does not match the specified coordinates or if its location deviates more than the specified tolerances from the specified coordinates.


        • coordinates: ICoordinates

          the not-expected coordinates of PageElement

        • Optional tolerances: Partial<ICoordinates>

          used to calculate the maximal allowed deviations from the expected coordinates

        Returns boolean

    • hasName: function
      • hasName(name: string): boolean
      • Returns true if the HTML attribute 'name' of PageElement currently does not have the specified value.


        • name: string

          the value which the HTML attribute 'name' of PageElement is supposed not to have

        Returns boolean

    • hasSize: function
      • hasSize(size: ISize, tolerances?: Partial<ISize>): boolean
      • Returns true if - currently - the size of PageElement does not match the specified size or if PageElement's size deviates more than the specified tolerances from the specified size.


        • size: ISize

          the not-expected size of PageElement

        • Optional tolerances: Partial<ISize>

          used to calculate the maximal allowed deviations from the expected size

        Returns boolean

    • hasText: function
      • hasText(text: string): boolean
      • Returns true if the PageElement's actual text currently does not equal the expected text.


        • text: string

          the expected text which is supposed not to equal the actual text

        Returns boolean

    • hasWidth: function
      • hasWidth(width: number, tolerance?: number): boolean
      • Returns true if - currently - the width of PageElement does not match the specified width or if PageElement's width deviates more than the specified tolerance from the specified width.


        • width: number

          the expected width of PageElement

        • Optional tolerance: number

          used to calculate the maximal allowed deviation from the expected width

        Returns boolean

    • hasX: function
      • hasX(x: number, tolerance?: number): boolean
      • Returns true if - currently - the x-location of PageElement does not match the specified x-location or if PageElement's x-location deviates more than the specified tolerance from the specified x-location.


        • x: number

          the not-expected x-location of PageElement

        • Optional tolerance: number

          used to calculate the maximal allowed deviation from the expected x-location

        Returns boolean

    • hasY: function
      • hasY(y: number, tolerance?: number): boolean
      • Returns true if - currently - the y-location of PageElement does not match the specified y-location or if PageElement's y-location deviates more than the specified tolerance from the specified y-location.


        • y: number

          the not-expected y-location of PageElement

        • Optional tolerance: number

          used to calculate the maximal allowed deviation from the expected y-location

        Returns boolean

    • isChecked: function
      • isChecked(): boolean
    • isEnabled: function
      • isEnabled(): boolean
    • isSelected: function
      • isSelected(): boolean
    • isVisible: function
      • isVisible(): boolean


Protected _compareContains

  • _compareContains<T>(expected: T, actual: T): boolean

Protected _compareHas

  • _compareHas<T>(expected: T, actual: T): boolean

Protected _compareHasAny

  • _compareHasAny<T>(actual: T): boolean

Protected _withinTolerance

  • _withinTolerance(actual: number, expected: number, tolerance?: number): boolean

Protected _writeLastDiff

  • _writeLastDiff<T>(actual: T, expected?: T): void


  • containsAttribute(attribute: IAttribute): boolean
  • Returns true if the specified HTML attribute of PageElement currently contains the expected value.


    • attribute: IAttribute

      the specified HTML attribute of PageElement, consisting of the attribute's name and the value it is expected to contain

    Returns boolean


  • containsClass(className: string): boolean
  • Returns true if the HTML attribute 'class' of PageElement currently contains the specified className.


    • className: string

      the className which the HTML attribute 'class' of PageElement is supposed to contain

    Returns boolean


  • containsDirectText(directText: string): boolean
  • Returns true if the PageElement's actual direct text currently contains the expected direct text.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


    • directText: string

      the expected direct text which is supposed to be contained in the actual direct text

    Returns boolean


  • containsHTML(html: string): boolean


  • containsId(id: string): boolean
  • Returns true if the HTML attribute 'id' of PageElement currently contains the specified value.


    • id: string

      the value which the HTML attribute 'id' of PageElement is supposed to contain

    Returns boolean


  • containsName(name: string): boolean
  • Returns true if the HTML attribute 'name' of PageElement currently contains the specified value.


    • name: string

      the value which the HTML attribute 'name' of PageElement is supposed to contain

    Returns boolean


  • containsText(text: string): boolean
  • Returns true if the PageElement's actual text currently contains the expected text.


    • text: string

      the expected text which is supposed to be contained in the actual text

    Returns boolean


  • exists(): boolean
  • Returns true if PageElement currently exists.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the function exists in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns boolean


  • getAttribute(attributeName: string): string
  • Returns the current value of PageElement's HTML attribute with the passed attribute name.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the functions getAttribute, hasAttribute, containsAttribute and hasAnyAttribute in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.


    • attributeName: string

      the name of the HTML attribute whose current value should be returned

    Returns string


  • getClass(): string
  • Returns the current value of PageElement's 'class' HTML attribute.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the functions getClass, hasClass, containsClass and hasAnyClass in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns string


  • getContainsDirectText(directText: string): boolean
  • Returns PageElement's current 'containsDirectText' status.

    A PageElement's 'containsDirectText' status is set to true if its actual direct text contains the expected direct text.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


    • directText: string

      the expected direct text used in the comparison which sets the 'containsDirectText' status

    Returns boolean


  • getContainsText(text: string): boolean
  • Returns PageElement's current 'containsText' status.

    A PageElement's 'containsText' status is set to true if its actual text contains the expected text.


    • text: string

      the expected text used in the comparison which sets the 'containsText' status

    Returns boolean


  • getDirectText(): string
  • Returns PageElement's current direct text.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the functions getDirectText, hasDirectText, containsDirectText and hasAnyDirectText in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns string


  • getExists(): boolean


  • getHTML(): string
  • Returns PageElement's current HTML.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the functions getHTML, hasHTML, containsHTML and hasAnyHTML in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns string


  • getHasAnyDirectText(): boolean
  • Returns PageElement's current 'hasAnyDirectText' status.

    A PageElement's 'hasAnyDirectText' status is set to true if it has any direct text.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.

    Returns boolean


  • getHasAnyText(): boolean


  • getHasDirectText(directText: string): boolean
  • Returns PageElement's current 'hasDirectText' status.

    A PageElement's 'hasDirectText' status is set to true if its actual direct text equals the expected direct text.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


    • directText: string

      the expected direct text used in the comparison which sets the 'hasDirectText' status

    Returns boolean


  • getHasText(text: string): boolean
  • Returns PageElement's current 'hasText' status.

    A PageElement's 'hasText' status is set to true if its actual text equals the expected text.


    • text: string

      the expected text used in the comparison which sets the 'hasText' status

    Returns boolean


  • getHeight(): number
  • Returns the current height of PageElement in pixels.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the functions getHeight, hasHeight, containsHeight and hasAnyHeight in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns number


  • getId(): string
  • Returns the current value of PageElement's 'id' HTML attribute.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the functions getId, hasId, containsId and hasAnyId in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns string


  • getIsEnabled(): boolean


  • getIsVisible(): boolean


  • Returns the current location of PageElement in pixels.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the functions getLocation, hasLocation, containsLocation and hasAnyLocation in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns ICoordinates


  • getName(): string
  • Returns the current value of PageElement's 'name' HTML attribute.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the functions getName, hasName, containsName and hasAnyName in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns string


  • Returns the current size of PageElement in pixels.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the functions getSize, hasSize, containsSize and hasAnySize in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns ISize


  • getText(): string
  • Returns PageElement's current text.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the functions getText, hasText, containsText and hasAnyText in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns string


  • getWidth(): number
  • Returns the current width of PageElement in pixels.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the functions getWidth, hasWidth, containsWidth and hasAnyWidth in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns number


  • getX(): number
  • Returns the current X-location of PageElement in pixels.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the functions getX, hasX, containsX and hasAnyX in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns number


  • getY(): number
  • Returns the current Y-location of PageElement in pixels.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the functions getY, hasY, containsY and hasAnyY in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns number


  • hasAnyAttribute(attributeName: string): boolean
  • Returns true if the HTML attribute with the specified attributeName of PageElement currently has any value.


    • attributeName: string

      the name of a PageElement's HTML attribute which is supposed to have any value

    Returns boolean


  • hasAnyClass(): boolean


  • hasAnyDirectText(): boolean
  • Returns true if the PageElement currently has any direct text.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.

    Returns boolean


  • hasAnyHTML(): boolean


  • hasAnyId(): boolean


  • hasAnyName(): boolean


  • hasAnyText(): boolean


  • Returns true if the specified HTML attribute of PageElement currently has the expected value.


    • attribute: IAttribute

      the specified HTML attribute of PageElement, consisting of the attribute's name and the value it is expected to have

    Returns boolean


  • hasClass(className: string): boolean
  • Returns true if the HTML attribute 'class' of PageElement currently has the specified className.


    • className: string

      the className which the HTML attribute 'class' of PageElement is supposed to have

    Returns boolean


  • hasDirectText(directText: string): boolean
  • Returns true if the PageElement's actual direct text currently equals the expected direct text.

    A direct text is a text that resides on the level directly below the selected HTML element. It does not include any text of the HTML element's nested children HTML elements.


    • directText: string

      the expected direct text which is supposed to equal the actual direct text

    Returns boolean


  • hasHTML(html: string): boolean


  • hasHeight(height: number, tolerance?: number): boolean
  • Returns true if - currently - the height of PageElement matches the specified height or if PageElement's height deviates no more than the specified tolerance from the specified height.


    • height: number

      the expected height of PageElement

    • Optional tolerance: number

      used to calculate the maximal allowed deviation from the expected height

    Returns boolean


  • hasId(id: string): boolean
  • Returns true if the HTML attribute 'id' of PageElement currently has the specified value.


    • id: string

      the value which the HTML attribute 'id' of PageElement is supposed to have

    Returns boolean


  • Returns true if - currently - the location of PageElement matches the specified coordinates or if its location deviates no more than the specified tolerances from the specified coordinates.


    • coordinates: ICoordinates

      the expected coordinates of PageElement

    • Default value tolerances: Partial<ICoordinates> = { x: 0, y: 0 }

      used to calculate the maximal allowed deviations from the expected coordinates

    Returns boolean


  • hasName(name: string): boolean
  • Returns true if the HTML attribute 'name' of PageElement currently has the specified value.


    • name: string

      the value which the HTML attribute 'name' of PageElement is supposed to have

    Returns boolean


  • hasSize(size: ISize, tolerances?: Partial<ISize>): boolean
  • Returns true if - currently - the size of PageElement matches the specified size or if PageElement's size deviates no more than the specified tolerances from the specified size.


    • size: ISize

      the expected size of PageElement

    • Default value tolerances: Partial<ISize> = { width: 0, height: 0 }

      used to calculate the maximal allowed deviations from the expected size

    Returns boolean


  • hasText(text: string): boolean


  • hasWidth(width: number, tolerance?: number): boolean
  • Returns true if - currently - the width of PageElement matches the specified width or if PageElement's width deviates no more than the specified tolerance from the specified width.


    • width: number

      the expected width of PageElement

    • Optional tolerance: number

      used to calculate the maximal allowed deviation from the expected width

    Returns boolean


  • hasX(x: number, tolerance?: number): boolean
  • Returns true if - currently - the x-location of PageElement matches the specified x-location or if PageElement's x-location deviates no more than the specified tolerance from the specified x-location.


    • x: number

      the expected x-location of PageElement

    • Optional tolerance: number

      used to calculate the maximal allowed deviation from the expected x-location

    Returns boolean


  • hasY(y: number, tolerance?: number): boolean
  • Returns true if - currently - the y-location of PageElement matches the specified y-location or if PageElement's y-location deviates no more than the specified tolerance from the specified y-location.


    • y: number

      the expected y-location of PageElement

    • Optional tolerance: number

      used to calculate the maximal allowed deviation from the expected y-location

    Returns boolean


  • isChecked(): boolean
  • Returns true if PageElement is currently checked.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the function isChecked in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns boolean


  • isEnabled(): boolean
  • Returns true if PageElement is currently enabled.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the function isEnabled in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns boolean


  • isSelected(): boolean
  • Returns true if PageElement is currently selected.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the function isSelected in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns boolean


  • isVisible(): boolean
  • Returns true if PageElement is currently visible.

    Overwriting this function affects the behavior of the function isVisible in PageElement and its currently, wait and eventually APIs.

    Returns boolean

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